Provide a graceful Exit Point for your app


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Provide a graceful Exit Point for your app

Insight from Growth.Design.

It's 12:35AM, you've swiped your 420th TikTok/reel, and you know you should go to bed, but you can't stop. Often, it takes some external jolt to get you to stop finally.

You then think, "Ugh, I need to delete it from my phone.”


If your app is never-ending and potentially addictive (Duolingo, Tinder, games, social media)

First of all, congratulations, that's hard to achieve.

Add in graceful exit points. This keeps users from getting so burnt out that they stop returning, and increases overall satisfaction with your product.

Surprisingly, TikTok actually already does this.

If you watch too long, they have a video that tells you to take a break. But it misses the mark for a few reasons:

It looks like all the other videos.

It's too easy to skip.

It doesn't use data against me.

Here's what Growth Design suggests instead:

Being told I've watched 293 videos would get me to put the phone down. And I'd be extremely appreciative that THEY took the initiative.


Duolingo could add one as well. After you hit your goal for the day, they currently dump you back into the lesson tree, where you see the weeks of effort ahead of you. You feel like you've barely progressed and are less satisfied with your efforts.


Instead, they should do this:

Give your users a graceful exit. They'll appreciate you for it.


Check out Growth Design's case studies for both TikTok and Duolingo.

2. The best way to control ad profitability

Insight from Thinkbox and Accelero.

We're a bootstrapped, lean company. We love other bootstrapped, lean companies.

This insight is a kick in the pants for startups looking to run profitable ads.

But it's also incredibly motivating.


Here are the biggest drivers of profitable ads (from analyzing up to 28,000 brands):

1. A huge brand – up to 20x multiple on ROI

Yep, that's not what any of us wanted to hear. Here's the data:

The bigger you are, the more effective your ads, thanks to existing awareness and affinity. Often, you're just reminding people to buy or that you are selling something new they should get.

Sadly, we can't control that one, but we can control this one:

2. Great creative – up to 12x multiple on ROI

Here, you can see the difference in performance across creative campaigns for two established brands:

And if you look at all the other ways that influence ad profitability, focusing on great creative is really the best way (since you can't control your brand size or budget):

The magic doesn't come from button pressing and knob twisting in an ads dashboard. It comes from great ads that are noticeable, memorable, and cause an emotional response that drives action.


Super Bowl Marketing Trends and Customer Experience Innovations The Super Bowl remains a focal point for brand marketing, showcasing trends like nostalgia marketing, an increase in streaming options, and the so-called "Taylor Swift Effect"​​. This event exemplifies how big brands capitalize on cultural moments to engage audiences, blending traditional advertising with modern digital platforms to maximize reach and impact.

Advancements in Marketing Technology and Strategy The integration of marketing technology (martech) projects poses both opportunities and risks for efficiency and effectiveness​​. Companies are advised to carefully consider the integration of their martech stacks to streamline operations without compromising agility or customization capabilities. Moreover, the push towards privacy-first strategies indicates a shift in how marketers are approaching campaign design, emphasizing the importance of balancing robust data use with compliance and customer trust​​.

Mobile Marketing's Growing Influence Mobile marketing continues to dominate, with significant consumer engagement and spending on mobile apps​​. Remarkably, 75% of consumers report making purchases as a result of SMS marketing, although there's a fine line to walk regarding message frequency to avoid consumer opt-out​​.

TikTok's Marketing Evolution TikTok is enhancing its platform to be more inclusive and accessible, introducing features like adjustable text sizes and default auto-captions, broadening its appeal and usability​​. Furthermore, TikTok is experimenting with extending video upload lengths to 30 minutes, potentially positioning it as a direct competitor to platforms like YouTube​​.

LinkedIn's Changes in Ad Targeting and Lead Generation LinkedIn is phasing out lookalike audiences, urging marketers to pivot towards Predictive Audiences or Audience Expansion for targeting​​. Additionally, LinkedIn introduced a new lead generation tool allowing company page admins to promote articles with a CTA for email capture, enhancing B2B lead generation strategies​​.

Influencer Marketing's Continued Growth Influencer marketing is projected to reach a market size of $24 billion by the end of 2024, driven by diverse industries with fashion and beauty leading, followed by gaming and sports​​. The sector's resilience and growth, even in challenging economic times, underscore the enduring value of influencer partnerships for brand visibility and engagement.

SEO and Google's Search Generative Experience (SGE) Concerns The SEO community is apprehensive about the potential impact of Google's SGE, with over 60% expressing concern over its implications for search visibility and traffic​​. This highlights the ongoing need for SEO strategies that adapt to Google's evolving algorithms while maintaining a focus on quality content and user experience.

Marketing Planning Tools on Social Platforms Platforms like X (formerly Twitter) are offering marketing calendars to help businesses plan their content around key dates and events, supporting more strategic and timely engagement with audiences​​.

Cheers to soaring marketing heights! 🚀🚀

Keep crushing it,
